Darkness Trilogy (Book 2): Death In Darkness Page 5
“Yeah... that was kind of insane. But honestly, that just sounds like him all around anyway. Bat-shit 'til the end.”
She laughed halfheartedly.
“Bat-shit for sure. He always had the craziest antics. Do you remember the time he replaced the decaf coffee with black tea?”
“How the fuck did that cause a riot in our office?” I laughed as she mentioned it.
“He kept inciting shit. He was always doing shit like that. He somehow swapped the highlighter inks for sharpies one time, do you remember that?” she said as she laughed lightly.
“Ha, yeah I do. That one caused so many documents to be reprinted. As I recall, Jessie made him pay for like a dozen ink cartridges after that.”
“That made me laugh too! We never even used them! Laser jets and whatnot...” she trailed off as she remembered.
“I'm going to miss his ridiculous face.”
“Me too babe.”
“I can't believe it though. The world fucking ends, we're trapped in a tower, he goes full fucking Rambo by killing one of those things with a knife⸺ a fucking knife, then we get here and he's dead less than 24 hours later. What kind of shit world is this?”
She reached out to touch my hand, then hesitated and drew away.
“Best not, Lin. Don't know if I'm infectious. Hopefully we'll have a better idea tomorrow.”
She nodded sadly, then turned and walked out of my room. I was just thankful it was dark and I had it to myself. I maneuvered my shackled wrist along the railing until I could reach the switch, and shut off the lights using the pad next to my bed.
I lay in silence, only the hum of electronics as my company for some time. Eventually, I was lulled into a relaxed state. My eyes closed, and lights began to form in front of my eyelids. Greens and oranges swirled, sometimes coalescing into distinct shapes for a moment before breaking into random clouds again.
I watched until my mind slipped into darkness and I slept.
Chapter 8
Darkness +16, 2033
Greater Seattle Area, Washington, USA
Location Undisclosed, Base 13, Project Osiris
0640 Hours
I think I slept. It was very difficult to tell at first, as I slipped into the lights. I found myself fascinated as the colors swirled and danced, forming shapes and shadows before dispersing again. Slowly, as I focused in, light started to collect into distinct shapes.
A short time after I fell into the lights, details started to become clear. I watched as an orange shape glided past my room, eerily matching up with footsteps that rang loudly in my ears. The shape scattered as I heard lights hum to life nearby. I resisted the urge to open my eyes and instead tried to sink deeper.
Footsteps preceded the door clicking open. I listened intently as someone walked into my room, around my bed and to the instruments at the bed side. I stayed perfectly still, relaxed and calm. I listened as they used what must have been a mechanical keyboard to clatter and crash through a series of menus. Then they turned and left.
I listened harder, trying to discern if what I heard was reality. The footsteps began to recede, then came back in to sharp clarity. I heard the humming of the ballasts in the lights regularly placed throughout the hallway. The buzzing of the lights caught me, first high then low in a rapid sequence.
An explosive cough scared the shit out of me, coming from the guard I hadn't even known was standing outside my room. He shuffled his feet, causing the rubber soles to squeak quietly against the linoleum floor. I heard the fabric of his gun sling rub against his uniform, even as the gun itself clacked against his metal belt buckle.
I shot upright, gasping for breath. The sounds and lights all disappeared. I sat for a moment, collecting myself, calming my racing breathing. I couldn't prove what I had heard was real. I did my best to shrug it off.
The monitor next to my bed turned off automatically. My gaze snapped to the darkened monitor. It still glowed faintly in the relatively dark room. I shook my head. There was no way I was able to hear the things I had heard.
Well, yes, the cough was easy enough. And footsteps always seem to echo in hospital corridors. And bad ballasts in fluorescent lights buzz when in bad shape. I concluded that I was simply hearing the things I normally heard, but with extra emphasis.
Slowly, I relaxed. I lay back in my terrible military hospital cot, then closed my eyes and sank back to... whatever the state was. It was like I lay in a trance.
Colors once more swirled in my vision. Nurses or orderlies came and went, monitoring me. My heart rate never rose or fell, sitting at a normal-if-low fifty-five beats per minute. I found a balance, not focusing on any one thing and discovering a state of mild awareness without the nauseating heightened senses that came from single-minded attention.
I heard something click, then a moment later the door to my room opened. It brought with it a small gust of anesthetized air, heavy with the scents of bleach and floral chemicals. I opened my eyes, already knowing who would be standing at the door.
“Good morning, m'boy.”
“Doctor Doore, a good morning to you as well.”
“Please, I have told you already to just call me Allan. In any case, I have excellent news for you. We have found no sign of infection in your blood. I even had them run it twice to ensure the results. It is⸺” he stopped to check his watch. I had a gut feeling I knew the time as well, but let him continue.
“Just shy of nine a.m.⸺ pardon me, that's o-nine-hundred in your military time, yes?”
“Yeah, doc. But I'm not in the military anymore. Does that mean I can go?”
“Oh, I'm afraid not son. No, you must remain under observation for a full seventy-two hours. However, if that, and two additional blood tests all turn up negative, you will be free to return to your regular life here.”
“And if I'm not?”
“Well, you will join us in One-Delta permanently. I'm sure you know I am rooting for your return to your wife and son.”
“Yeah, thanks doc. Speaking of, when can I see them?”
“I understand your wife has been here once already. That was strictly against my orders, but I suppose we don't need to worry too much about that, right? I suppose, if they do not touch you and are accompanied by an armed guard⸺ for their protection you see⸺ then yes, they can visit you for a short time.”
Just then a sharp rap sounded from the door. It clicked open, and Linda stepped into my room. She smiled as she saw me, then adopted a stern expression as she sighted Doctor Doore.
“Lin, this is my new boss, Doctor Doore⸺ Allan.”
“Good morning sir,” she said coldly.
“Ah, yes, good morning Mrs. DeWisr! May I call you Linda?”
Caught off guard, she hesitated, glancing at me. I smiled and nodded, and she looked back.
“Uh, yes. Can I call you Allan?”
“Why yes of course!” he responded with a jovial laugh.
“Your husband is quite the stubborn one. I've told him numerous times already to just call me Allan.”
“Yeah, that sounds like him,” she said sarcastically.
“Well,” Allan said as he clapped his hands. “I was just stopping by to tell your husband the good news. He will need to remain here under observation for a full seventy-two hours. If he clears that, he can go home to you. However!” He raised a finger to punctuate his point here. “You nor your son will be cleared to touch him. It is imperative that he remains physically isolated to ensure that if he is infected he does not spread it.”
“Yes, Doctor,” she and I said simultaneously. I shot her a little wink when she hitched as she registered the echo.
“Well, I am happy to say that to all of our instrumentation and observation, you are perfectly healthy, my boy.” He smiled one more time, then quietly left. The guard stepped a moment later, carefully watching Linda.
“Oh yes,” said Allan as he stuck half of his body back into the room. “While Mr. DeWisr is health
y, he does need his rest. Linda, if you wouldn't mind, please leave him be for today. You are certainly welcome to return tomorrow, with your son if you wish.”
“No, I'll visit him again tonight. I will not wait that long, especially after such a stressful day.”
“Very well, you may have a half hour tonight. I would suggest bringing him some sort of entertainment, this hospital is a little... barebones in that regard.”
With that, he was out of the room once more. The guard continued to eye Linda, and she took the hint.
“I'll be back soon, babe. I love you.” She blew me a kiss as she left. I caught it in one hand, feeling a little warmth climb my arm. I smiled, though the door shut behind her taking the light she seemed to exude. The room felt darker, almost numb.
I settled back, falling once more into a trance-like state. Doctors, nurses, orderlies, and guards all cycled through. My new mental clock told me it was another three hours before anything of note happened. I surfaced for a moment while my blood was drawn, making small talk with the phlebotomist. I was careful to make no sudden movements, due to the two armed soldiers pointing their rifles at me.
Insanely, I recognized one of the soldiers. His name patch read 'BAZUA'. It was like he was following me around.
“Bazua, good to see you again. Did you bring me anything? Maybe some flowers?”
“Dude, I will shoot you.”
“Don't be a grump with me.”
He said nothing else, and the phlebotomist left. The soldiers filed out, and I was once more left to my cell.
I let the lights fall over me, carrying me forward in the tide of the river of time. I surfaced once more as my door once again opened, admitting Linda and Eddie, each with an armful of goods. The smiles on their faces couldn't have been bigger, especially considering the circumstances.
Eddie dumped out two large boxes of LEGO sets, while Linda held a large stack of paperback novels. A few of my favorites were already present, including Orso Cardson, and Dakota Wortweber. She let them loose on the foot of my bed, beaming at me.
“Eddie, Lin! Thank you so much. You have no idea how boring it is in here!”
“You're welcome Dante⸺” he hesitated, looking at his mom.
“It's fine bud. I don't expect you to call me Dad anyway.”
He fell silent, nodding slowly. He was clearly chewing through everything.
Linda plowed on through, as was her way.
“We brought a few things that can hopefully alleviate your time in here.”
“Thanks. You know I'm only in here for like another day and a half, right?”
“Yeah, and how quickly will you read these with nothing else to do?”
“Uh... fair. Yeah, maybe bring more tomorrow?” I said with an awkward laugh.
The guard spoke up, saying that time was limited. They both looked down struck, but tried to make the best of our limited time. They each told of their days, varied and mundane as they were. I laughed with them as we made the best of the absurdity we found ourselves unexpectedly in.
All too soon, the guard was indicating it was time. They said their goodbyes, and Linda blew me a kiss once more. Shortly after they filed out, a phlebotomist was in to take my blood again. They left, and I was alone once more. Six hours passed, and all six books were read. I started assembling the LEGOs in my limited space, once again finding myself bored with nothing to occupy myself.
I began to reflect. I had taken some self-taught speed reading courses earlier in life, but reading an entire novel in an hour was a little faster than even that. I knew nobody would believe that I was reading more than eighty thousand words per hour.
I started taking a mental tally. In the twenty four hours I had observed since being bitten, I hadn't lost my temper but had shown exceptional abilities as well as increased adrenal response. Faster reading, heightened senses, and increased strength.
I may not have shown signs of infection, but something was amiss. I reflected on the memory I had dredged up more than a week before, of the time I broke my arm as a young man. I was healing exceptionally fast. Months done in hours. I dredged up a memory of a movie I watched as a child, where a hero dressed in red and black had a hand hacked off at the wrist.
That hero⸺ or maybe anti-hero⸺ had done it himself, then regrown the hand in subsequent hours. I had an insane thought of trying it for a moment, then decided it was a terrible idea. I couldn't get rid of the old hand, the blood would get everywhere, people would ask questions I was really uncomfortable answering. Then there's the part where I would have a stump, regrowing like a KFC spork.
No, probably not worth testing... right now. Plus, how would I cut it off?
I sided with my internal voice and put the issue aside. The night passed slowly, lights overcoming me at some point. I let the show guide me, tell me a story throughout the darkened hours. Once more, I heard a certain set of footsteps approach my door.
The door clicked open, and the man stepped into my room smartly. The door clicked shut.
“Good morning, my boy.”
My eyes snapped open again. I looked straight at him, noting every little expression. He had a look of knowing, of smug satisfaction.
“Good morning, Allan. What's the word?”
“Only the best for you! You are free to go, because you have tested free and clear as of a few hours ago. I do expect you to be in our lab bright and early, o-five-forty-five as they say. Do try to be punctual, lad.”
He crisply nodded and left the room.
Then his head popped in and he spoke once more.
“Oh, do say hello to the missus for me.”
And he was gone again.
“Whooo... that's someone for sure.”
I let out a sigh of relief, and started to sit up. My handcuffs clinked, reminding me I was still bound in place⸺ as far as they knew.
“Ah, shit!”
“Oh yes⸺”
“What the fuck?!” I shouted in surprise.
“Easy lad, just me. I'll have the guard let you out in just a moment.”
The door clicked shut. I hadn't even heard it open.
“Old, crazy, and a friggin' ninja on top. Yeah, that's a boss to fear.”
The guard finally opened the door, taking his dear sweet time unlocking my cuffs. The look he gave me was the dirtiest I had seen in some time. I took a moment to mentally note down his name tag. It read 'HUME'.
“A'ight Hume, thanks man. I'll keep you in mind.”
He took on a look, but I couldn't quite decipher it. He was a problem for another day.
Once my wrists were free, I stood from the bed for the first time in days. For whatever reason, they left pulling my catheter out by myself. It was a horrendous affair, like pulling an alien wiener tube out. I groaned as it slithered out, letting out a sigh of relief as it fell to the floor.
“Fuck whoever thought that was a good idea. I'd rather piss myself...”
My clothes were in a bag nearby, clean and pressed. I dressed quickly, eager to leave the sterile environment.
I left the hospital through the front entrance, then found the stairs and took them two at a time to the next level. Once in the family wing, I let myself feel a little joy, even in the barren cement and steel hallways. I took my badge out of my pocket and swiped it across the pad to my suite.
It beeped angrily and glowed red in time.
“Fuck you, open.”
I swiped my badge again. It beeped angrily again. I double checked the room number, then swiped again. It hesitated for a long moment, then the pad changed to green. The door locks chunked, and I swung the door in.
Chapter 9
Darkness +18, 2033
Greater Seattle Area, Washington, USA
Location Undisclosed, Base 13, Project Osiris
2030 Hours
Linda and Eddie were on the couch, watching the doorway, laughing their asses off.
“Have a little trouble there, you big Oaf?” ca
ckled Linda.
I gave her a dour stare, which only caused the both of them to laugh harder. She wiped a tear away, then stood and rushed over to me. Her hug was more of a tackle, causing both of us to lurch into the wall. I laughed, even as she nearly knocked the wind out of me.
“What are they feeding you? You feel like a sack of concrete or something.”
“Uh... thanks? I was just eating what they were providing. I am pretty hungry though. Must be something to do with the healing process.”
“Well, they might still be serving dinner, if you want to go take a look. We've already eaten, and were just sitting down to watch a movie.”
“Thanks babe. I'll run and do that, back in a flash.”
“Hey, Dante?”
“Yes, Lin?”
“Don't get hurt between here and there. It's a dangerous journey,” she said with a malicious gleam in her eye.
“Thanks.” I said deadpan. I rushed to the mess hall and caught the end of dinner. I loaded my platter with food, catching a glare from the attendant. I had maybe three meals worth of food, but my stomach was practically cramping with hunger. They finally let me go, and I walked back to our suite, to catch the movie with Linda and Eddie.
I shoveled the food in as quickly and quietly as I could, standing in the kitchenette nook. After I had eaten everything and sated my appetite, I sat down next to Linda. The couch groaned slightly as I sat, which drew looks of alarm from both of them. I shrugged, unable to make heads or tails of it.
Eddie started to snore just before the credits rolled, and I carried him to bed. Linda gave me a fox-like smile full of promise, and she followed through when we went to bed.
After we had calmed down and she had fallen asleep, I relaxed. The lights started to appear again, strange shows lulling me into a deeper state.
When the alarm began to sound, I had it switched off before the first tone was complete. The harsh red light read '0500'. I gingerly stood from the bed, careful not to wake Linda. She had another forty-five minutes before she had to start getting ready. The bed groaned quietly as I stood. I showered and dressed, out of the door within ten minutes.